Friday, May 23, 2008


Haven't really posted anything in a while... I guess I kinda just lost interest. But I'm back with more boring words and meaningless babble, I suppose. I had a BUSY week this week; I worked my ass off. I really didn't have much time to do anything else but go to work and sleep, and maybe pass out halfway into a movie (as usual). I can never make it through movies- even great movies.

I plan to start doing more "shut up, John" stuff in the coming future, although I'm sure it will be only half as riveting as before, considering I'm gonna try to play only unsigned bands from now on, and it may even be shorter than a half hour. I don't know quite yet what exactly I'm gonna do. I also plan on getting more episodes of blnTV up, especially since we are about to head out on a two week mini-tour with The Perfect Victim... should be fun.

Fucking elevators. I've been on one of the worst jobs ever (ranking only second to the Frontier Hotel), and I am finally wrapping it up. The job wasn't all that terrible, but I simply had no motivation at all, and every day I was forcing myself out of bed- shitty, shitty, shitty. End product of all the hard work that went into that job really paid off, and everything turned out 100% nicer than it was when we got there to do the work. But who really cares about that.

I have really grown to dislike a lot of the people who work at this place, simply out of sheer annoyance. I can pretty much do a rock solid impression of ever stupid motherfucker in that place who gets on my nerves. It helps me deal with their idiocracy. I don't claim to be brilliant or extremely whitty or talented, but I know a dumb-ass when I see one, or two, or three, or a building full of them. There are, of course, a handful of people who I respect and think actually have a brain (if any of them are reading this, I think they know who they may be). Fuck, one guy there speaks in grunts. Fuck.

Anyway, there it is.