Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's been a while...

...since i really posted anything. I guess due to the holiday, bands shit and work, but who's really reading this anyway? Right? Right.

It's been a weird day... I found out today that someone died. Someone that for a short time, had quite a profound affect on my life, though he may not have even known that he did. The person that died today is a man named Mike. He was a supervisor of mine for a short time at the company I work at. While being an overall great guy, he genuinely was a kind-hearted guy. All details aside, the man really did play a role in my life that while in a small but awesome way, helped get me where I am today. I did not know him as well as others did, but I feel that doesn't really matter. It's only at time like these that we really take the time to think about how others truly affect one's life, and how huge some of the smallest things are.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to Mike. I hope in some way he now knows how he helped me, even though I never really got the opportunity to thank him. So thanks, Mike.

All this being said, I watched the Macworld Expo Steve Jobs keynote address today when I got home from work, before having to head out of the house. It was quite exciting and it tickled all the right spots in my "All-American, Mass Consumption" mind. I can't wait to get the new AppleTV... but all that aside... Randy Newman sang at the end of Steve Jobs' address. He's the guy that writes all the "cool songs that you never really thought you actually knew," in the Pixar animated films, as well as many others. One of his hits was the song from the movie "Toy Story" called "You've Got a Friend In Me." I think it's very appropriate for how I feel today, It also made me think of a lot of people who used to be close friends that aren't so close anymore... kinda sucks to think about it.

...well... gotta go.

Thanks again, Mike.

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